What is Off-Page? | Off Page SEO Technique | TechnicalDm

Off-page Optimization Technique For High Ranking What is off-page optimization? Off page optimization is nothing but it technique to improve the search engine ranking for our keywords. It is used to build backlink on other website. It is long term process. It is must be done regularly. Off page optimization is done offsite and it is not visible our website. Off page optimization technique 1. Directory submission: Directory submission means submit your website detail and link to other popular web directory. Doing this will increase your website popularity. 2.Social bookmarking: Social bookmarking means submit your website link to other popular social pages and website. This social bookmark easily saves and shared. 3.Article submission: Article submission means write the article about your website and submit the popular article directory. 4.Blog commenting: blog commenting is a easy way to drive more traffic to your websit and create back...